Aviation security training is mandatory not only to those working directly at the front line, it is at the airport, but also to number of staff working in remote areas such as at regulated agents’ premises, regulated suppliers’ premises, known suppliers’ premises or as drivers for hauliers transporting air cargo.
Pursuant to provision of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998, content of the training course must be specified or approved by the Appropriate Authority before the training may be conducted. As the Regulation does not specify the format of the Training Programme, you may discover yourself in a situation where you have the capacity to deliver the training in terms of an instructor, but do not have an approved training programme.
Having the Training Programme approved by the Appropriate Authority may be a painful exercise, especially for those with little experience in the field. Instead of entering into lenghty and time consuming correspondence with the officials it may be worth while having experts to do it for you.
Our custom tailored training programmes are not only meeting the regulatory requirements and expectations of the Authorities, but also consider the particularities of your operations and minimize the resources that need to be spent to achieve compliance.