Pursuant to Articles 13 to 15 of the Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security, each airport operator, air carrier and other entity implementing aviation security standards shall draw up, implement and maintain a security programme so to comply with the Regulation and the National Civil Aviation Security Programme of the state. The Programme shall also include internal quality control provision describing how the measures in the Security Programme are monitored by the entity. The Security Programme shall be submitted to the Appropriate Authority  who may then take further actions if appropriate.

In addition to airport operators and air carriers, entities required to draw up and implement security programmes have been defined in the implementing legislation – namely in the Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998 and Decision C(2015)8005. Such entities include but are not limited with regulated agents, regulated suppliers of in-flight supplies, known suppliers of in-flight supplies and known suppliers of airport supplies.

As legislation does not provide much details on what an entity security programme is suppose to look like, drawing up one and further more – having it approved by the Appropriate Authority (where applicable) may be a painful exercise, especially for those with little experience in the field. Instead of entering into lengthy and time consuming correspondence with the officials it may be worth while having experts to do it for you.

Our custom tailored security programmes are not only meeting the regulatory requirements and expectations of the Authorities, but also consider the particularities of your operations and minimize the resources that need to be spent to achieve compliance.