Under EC Regulation 2015/1998 (as amended by EC Regulation 2024/1255) point 6.1.4, as of 01 January 2027 all hauliers providing surface transport of secured air cargo must be approved and listed in the EU database of supply chain security. The approval of the hauliers may be performed either by the Appropriate Authority of the Member State, or by an EU aviation security validator acting on its behalf.

In order to apply for the approval, the haulier must submit its aviation security programme and declaration of commitments to the Appropriate Authority. It must be able to demonstrate how it monitors and also ensures compliance with the provisions of its security programme. The haulier must have its staff undergo background check (either standard or enhanced, depending on their functions), appoint a security manager that has received appropriate training (Regulation 2015/1998, points 11.2.2 and 11.2.5) and ensure that its other staff transporting or having access to the secured consignments have received adequate initial and recurrent security training (Regulation 2015/1998, or 11.2.7, as appropriate).

Aviation Consulting is offering its expertise from advising the prosperous hauliers of the process, helping to draw up the haulier security programme and quality control programme, assist with training of the hauliers’ staff and providing security management services with affordable prices. Contact us directly to get the quotation based on your business set-up.